what we do

Repeated Abortions

Can patients with an abortion or with repeated abortions conceive ?

For all the couples out there who have had one or more abortions , you will defitaely conceive and there is no doubt in that. In suh cases the implantation , which means that the potential of the uterus to implant a baby is proven and there is no doubt in that. Thus patients with misscarriage will definately conceive. There are different types of treatments for this dpeneding on the number of weeks in which the abortion occurred. At Jilla IVF we feel these are the easiest cases to conceive and all the patients who have come to us with previous abortions definately conceive. 

What is the reason of such abortions?

Recurrent abortions are generally caused due to genetic factors. This means that either the sperm DNA or the egg DNA as such factors that are not letting the baby grow. For such abortions genetic evaluation should be done. Generally genetic blood tests of both the partners and even the feotus is done to understand the reason for the abortion. Other reason can be cervical incompetence or infection during the pregnancy , Increase in Blood pressure or Thyroid during pregnancy. The exact reason for the abortion will be found out by our consultants at Jilla IVF and this will be treated.

What is the treatment for repeated abortions?

In the patients with recurrent abortions the uterus is good. This means that If given a healthy embryo they will definitely get a pregnancy. The reason for the abortion is evaluated in the first visit and the treatment plan is made according to that. Some patients are advised TRP , some are advised genetic evaluations and some are advised laparoscopies thus there are different things advised to different patients.